Cutout Blazer Dress in Apricot
Refresh your work wardrobe with more festive blazer dresses. This sexy cutout blazer mini dress in our boutique is a chic style in different events whether you are looking for a work appropriate outfit or for a glam go-to. Designed with a formal top with a side welt pocket at chest , a regular notch lapel collar in a V-shaped cut, regular long sleeves with button cuffs, soft shoulder pads, a classic outer one-button placket with two concealed interior buttons, a buttoned strap at the waist with alluring wraparound cut-out to stop this little black piece boring, the party-approved skirt with a welt pocket at back to achieve a more casual look, and a perfect 30.7-inch short dress cut that’ll take you easily from work to a club, this unique little black dress is minimal and feminine as well as clean and crisp for women.
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